Monday, January 13, 2025

Carl Gary "Ned" Davis -- Farmer of the Year


Ned Davis

Carl Gary “Ned” Davis was born on May 19, 1938 in Trigg County, Kentucky.  He was the youngest of the three children of Alfred Leroy “Bill” Davis and Lou Belle Thomas Davis.  Bill was a farmer and both he and Lou Belle were natives of Trigg County.  Ned was a descendant of Starkie Thomas and Drewry Bridges.

Ned’s siblings were Carey Thomas Davis, born in 1923 and married Marian Louise Rye and Ruby Joyce Davis, born in 1928 and married John Turner Banister.

Ned grew up in the Oak Grove community and attended the Oak Grove School.  He went on to attend Trigg County High School in Cadiz where he graduated with the class of 1956.  Ned was very active in the Future Farmers of America in high school and earned the Chapter Farmer, State Farmer and American Farmer degrees.

On June 4, 1959, Ned married Martha Ann Rhea at the home of her parents in Benton, Kentucky with the Rev. Marcus Gurley officiating.  Martha was born on February 12, 1941 in Marshall County, Kentucky, the daughter of  Almon Beal Rhea and Emma Jean Cole Rhea.  Almon worked in construction and as a hardware store owner.  He was a native of Kirksey, Kentucky.  Emma Jean was a native of Benton, Kentucky.

Martha graduated from Benton High School in 1959 where she was class valedictorian.  She received her B.S. degree in 1964 from Murray State University and later received her Master’s degree and Education Specialist degree from MSU.  In 1985 she received her Doctor of Education degree from Vanderbilt University in Nashville.  She went on to serve as the Director of Pupil Personnel with the Trigg County School System.

Ned worked as a farmer and livestock dealer in Trigg County and also in custom farming and trucking. He had a passion for farming and liked to utilize new conservation practices.  Ned lost his right hand in a farming accident in 1958 at the age of twenty.

Ned and Martha were the parents of two children, Rhea Ann Davis, born in 1960 and married James Donald Phillips, Jr. and Gary Kenneth Davis, born in 1964 and married Mary Frances Jackson.

Ned died on March 4, 2022 at the age of 83 at his home in Cadiz.  He was buried in the Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Trigg County.

LINEAGE:  (Carl Gary “Ned” Davis was the son of Alfred Leroy “Bill” and Lou Belle Thomas Davis. Lou Belle was the eighth child of Seldon Trimble and Martha Elizabeth “Bettie” Bridges Thomas.  Seldon was the first child of James Jasper and Mary Magdaline Cunningham Thomas.  James Jasper was the fourth child of Starkie and Mary Bridges Thomas.  Starkie was the fourth child of James and Mary Standley Thomas.  Martha Elizabeth was the seventh child of Drewry and Peachie Ann Tart Bridges. Drewry was the fourth child of William and Mary Thomas Bridges. William was the fourth child of Drury and Charity Cohoon Bridges.)

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